Saturday 24 March 2012

Why People Are Collecting Vintage Barbie Dolls

Barbie dolls have been around for a long time, a American business woman named Ruth Handler is seen as the creator of the Barbie doll concept, the first of the popular dolls had seen the light in 1959 and was inspired by a German doll called Bild Lilli. Every little girl knows Barbie and has probably played with a Barbie Doll but Barbie dolls weren't only for little ladies, she is a highly collectible doll, the Vintage Barbie Doll.
There is a big difference between the Barbie Dolls that are used to play with and the vintage Barbie dolls that people are collecting. when you start out on collecting vintage Barbie dolls you first need to decide what Barbie you are going to collect because there are a lot of different vintage American dolls, lets see what kind of Barbies you have that you can collect.
Vintage Barbie Dolls:
These are the dolls that where manufactured before 1972, these are the kind of doll that everyone wants so be prepared to pay a good amount of money for them, prizes that go far over the thousands dollars is not uncommon.
The Collectible Box Barbie:
These Barbies are created for collectors they will cost a little bit more them the Barbies you play with but do not have the prize that you would pay for a Vintage Barbie Doll.
Pink Box Barbies:
These are the Barbies you would buy at Christmas.n for you daughter to play with, they come in abundance and so you wont be paying a lot of money for them
Collect by themes:
If you like Barbie themes like the celebrity themes, holiday themes, movie themes or whatever theme it is you liked, you will find that the list of Barbie doll themes is endless.
Fashion designer Barbies.
These are special Barbies that are designed by the big fashion designers such as Christan Dior and Bob Macke.
When you are starting out on collecting vintage Barbie dolls you have to understand that it is vitally important how you store your dolls properly. if you do not store the dolls in a good fashion they can get irreparably damaged, the Garage or the basement are not the right places to store your collection of vintage Barbie dolls, you have to make sure that the place you use to store you dolls has a climate control system in place, so that moisture and temperature fluctuation have no chance to destroy you collection
Do not store your collection in plastic containers like Tupperware or in closed of plastic bags, the chance exist that when you close your bag or container that you will entrap some moisture and that can cause mold to form on your Barbies.
A lot of collectors love to save there vintage Barbie dolls in the original box and even though that seems like a good idea it really is not such a good idea and that is because a lot of boxes contains some sort of acid that will damage your doll in the long run, also if you want to store your dolls for a longer period of time make sure that the jewelry is removed because in time the jewelry will discolor the plastic.
The best way to store you collection of vintage Barbie dolls would be a trunk with a lot of drawers in a place where you have some sort of climate control, wrap your dolls in acid free tissue paper before you store your dolls, if you save your collection of vintage Barbie dolls you will enjoy the brand new look for years and years to come.


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